Dr Kian
Dr Kian

Natural-looking tummy tuck surgery with Dr Kian

Abdominoplasty, also known as a “tummy tuck” is a procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. The procedure also usually involves tightening of the abdominal muscles. Tummy tuck surgery aims to give you a flatter, firmer abdomen with better abdominal muscle tone.

Excess skin and fat in the abdomen can make people self-conscious and feel less confident about themselves. In some cases, people may seek tummy tuck surgery because the excessive skin and fat can result in difficulties with choosing clothes, exercising and performing other activities. Some people may also have separation of their abdominal muscles causing a gap (rectus divarication), especially after multiple pregnancies. The separated muscles can be sutured back together during your tummy tuck surgery to improve your muscle tone and function.

  • Performed by Dr Kian, a UK-trained Consultant Plastic Surgeon with a special interest in Cosmetic Surgery
  • British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) Aesthetic Fellowship training in London & Sydney, Australia
  • Systematic approach & personalised surgery for natural-looking results
  • Experience in different techniques of abdominal body contouring surgery to suit individual requirements including mini-abdominoplasty, full (standard) abdominoplasty, Brazilian abdominoplasty, lipoabdominoplasty, fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty, reverse abdominoplasty, circumferential abdominoplasty and liposuction (including VASER liposuction).
  • Consultation and full aftercare provided by Dr Kian


Most people who seek tummy tuck surgery would like to remove the excessive skin and fat in their abdomen that they are unable to shift with just diet and exercise alone. This excess tissue and loss of skin elasticity in the abdomen is commonly a result of:

  • Weight changes
  • Pregnancies
  • Ageing

During your consultation with Dr Kian, you will be able to discuss your goals and concerns. Dr Kian will discuss your procedure with you including what sort of scars to expect, what garments to wear and how long it will take to recover from surgery.

Dr Kian has had extensive training using various different techniques and types of tummy tuck surgery. He will be able to tailor your procedure to ensure that you achieve natural-looking results based on your body shape and individual needs.

Dr Kian


Abdominoplasty surgery is performed under general anaesthetic. It can be performed as a day case procedure meaning that you are discharged home the same day or involve an overnight stay in hospital. The figures shown here may vary depending on the type of surgery you have and your individual circumstances.

  • Dr Kian

    Remove excessive skin and fat from the abdomen

  • Dr Kian

    Day case (some cases may need an overnight stay)

  • Dr Kian

    2-3 weeks

  • Dr Kian

    6 weeks+


  1. Am I suitable for abdominoplasty surgery?

    Both men and women seek abdominoplasty surgery for a variety of reasons. You would usually be unable to get rid of the excess skin and fat despite a good diet and exercise. This can have a major impact on your body confidence affecting the outfits that you choose to wear, activities that you do and in some cases even affect enjoyment of holidays.

    If you have separation of your abdominal muscles (especially after multiple childbirth), you may also have poor muscle tone that can be corrected during tummy tuck surgery.

    If you are over 18, generally healthy, not overweight and a non-smoker, you are suitable for tummy tuck surgery. Occasionally, some people who seek tummy tuck surgery may actually not be suitable, and may require a different technique (such as liposuction). During your consultation, you will be advised on whether tummy tuck surgery is suitable for you.

  2. What will the consultation involve?

    At your consultation, you will meet Dr Kian, a fully-qualified plastic surgeon who is trained in cosmetic surgery. He will take a full medical history including details of medications, allergies, smoking and previous surgery. Dr Kian also always takes time to understand what your goals and concerns are.

    During your examination, the following will be assessed systematically and standard clinical photographs will be taken for your medical record:

    • excess skin and fat in the abdomen
    • muscle separation (rectus divarication)
    • previous scars & stretch marks
    • skin quality

    Dr Kian will then discuss your procedure with you. He will also discuss the scar pattern that you are likely to expect. He will explain the potential risks and complications of surgery so that you make a fully-informed decision. There will be plenty of time to answer any questions that you may have and you can rest assured that Dr Kian will give you his honest, professional advice.

  3. What sort of scars can I expect?

    Dr Kian is trained in a wide range of abdominoplasty techniques and the scar pattern that you could expect will depend on your individual circumstances. At your consultation, Dr Kian will discuss with you what your goals and examine your tummy before advising on which technique is suitable for you. Below are some of the more popular techniques that Dr Kian uses:

    • Full (standard) abdominoplasty – this involves a hip-to-hip scar and a scar around your umbilicus (belly button). The skin in your upper and lower abdomen is tightened and muscle separation can be corrected fully.
    • Mini abdominoplasty – this involves a shorter lower abdominal scar compared to a full abdominoplasty with no scar around your umbilicus. The muscles in your lower abdomen can be tightened at the same time. This technique is best when the problem is mainly in your lower abdomen.
    • Brazilian abdominoplasty – this procedure which is favoured by Dr Kian, combines the use of liposuction to remove excess fat alongside a full abdominoplasty. This is a specialised technique that preserves the blood supply to your skin, reducing the risk of complications.
    • Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty – this is a procedure for people with a lot of excess skin and fat in both the upper and lower abdomen. Apart form the hip-to-hip scar which you get from a full abdominoplasty, there is also a vertical scar in the midline of your abdomen. The two scars join into an inverted-T pattern.
  4. When will I be able to see my results?

    Tummy tuck surgery will produce immediate results and you will see that your abdomen is firmer and flatter straight after surgery. There will be some swelling from surgery, which will take a couple of weeks to subside. Full results will be visible from 6 weeks.

  5. Can I get pregnant after abdominoplasty? Can I have a C-section?

    It is safe for you to get pregnant after abdominoplasty. It is also safe for you to have another C-section (caesarean) after your tummy tuck. However, it is normally advisable to delay your tummy tuck surgery until after you have completed your family as any subsequent pregnancy will undo the aesthetic results of your surgery.

  6. What are the risks/complications?

    During your consultation, Dr Kian will explain the potential risks and complications of your procedure. Some of these include:

    • Scar – this will depend on the type of abdominoplasty surgery that you have and will be discussed with you at your consultation
    • Infection – some wound infections may require antibiotic treatment.
    • Seroma – this is a collection of fluid. Small seromas may be left alone if they do not produce any symptoms, however larger or symptomatic ones may be aspirated.
    • Bleeding/haematoma – bleeding after surgery may require a second operation to remove the blood clot and stop any bleeding.
    • Wound healing problems – occasionally, there may be areas that take a bit longer to heal due to either infection or impaired blood supply.
    • Stitch reactions – the sutures that are used are usually dissolving sutures buried under the skin. Occasionally, some people get little reactions to the sutures in small areas however this usually settles down with time.
    • Numbness – any surgery can result in changes to sensation including numbness which can take some time to resolve. Permanent numbness is uncommon.
    • Unfavourable results – abdominoplasty surgery has a high satisfaction rate among all cosmetic surgery operations. However, unfavourable results may be due to not being satisfied with the appearance such as small ‘dog ears’ at the end of the scars. Weight changes or pregnancy after surgery can result in loss of the aesthetic result.
  7. How long is the recovery time?

    Recovery time is very individual, however for most people this will be between 2 to 3 weeks. We would normally advise to take at least 2 weeks off work, however you may return to work sooner or later depending on how you recover and the type of work that you do. You will be asked to wear a post-surgical support garment after your surgery for at least 3 weeks. Full results take at least 6 weeks, however this will vary from person to person.

  8. What will the aftercare involve?

    Dr Kian believes that good aftercare is as important as the surgery itself. You will be given contact details to get in touch should you have any concerns after your surgery. You will have a clinic appointment approximately 1 week after your procedure. At this time, the wound is inspected to ensure that it is healing well and there is no infection. You will have a full review appointment with Dr Kian at approximately 6 weeks after your surgery to check that you are happy with your results and to give you long-term aftercare instructions.


If you are considering tummy tuck surgery, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands with Dr Kian. His personalised approach to your care ensures that your tummy tuck journey is safe and smooth.

1. Consultation

Your expert consultation with Dr Kian gives you the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you might have. Dr Kian will give you honest advice on whether you are a suitable candidate for tummy tuck surgery and discuss what options you have. He will take a medical history from you and examine you, including assessing the muscles in your abdomen. Full information on what your procedure will involve, including risks and aftercare instructions, will be given.


2. Treatment

Tummy tuck surgery can be performed as a day case operation or involve an overnight stay at a private hospital. The procedure involves a general anaesthetic, which will be given by an experienced Consultant Anaesthetist. Your incisions will be discussed at consultation and they are closed with dissolvable stitches under the skin.


3. Aftercare

You will need to wear a support garment around your abdomen for at least 3 weeks after your surgery. You will have a simple dressing over your incision site, which you need to keep dry for 7 days. You should be able to take light showers thereafter. The dressing will be removed in the clinic after 1 week to inspect the wound. You will be seen again for your review appointment with Dr Kian 6 weeks following your surgery.


Book your consultation start your journey

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment with Dr Kian, please contact us.


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